Monday, September 23, 2013


hello people!!!
Today something interesting did happen. HORRAY!!! Sadly not all that shines is gold...Yup my interesting thing was 3 test in a row... Just what I want to do a Monday day *sarcastic*. Yup I had so much fun...*crickets chirping in the background*...Who am I kidding that will never be fun. 😒. It was interesting though did have fun. 😃 I got to go to see my friends talked to new people so yeah. My friend asked me a question about life and I quoted Lukas Cruikshank 'I don't know Google it' Lol 😝 sorry probably not as funny to you as me. So please ask questions and follow I you want.

Thank you your all absolutely fabulous and have a good day

                                          ~Elena the vampire

Saturday, September 21, 2013

food and more advice

before anything else

 i'm here with new advice, since no one needs any help,. I'm so glad some people are reading these even if you guys aren't commenting or following me. although it would be nice. anyways here i am once again. today i'm going to talk about something important(solem face) that got some attention didn't it ;)
 lol. anyways moving on here are some good places to eat

    1.bethany's (their coolers are amazing!!!)
    2.starbuck's(not really food...BUT WHO CARES!!!!)
    3.nando's I've only gone once but it was so good
    4. In and Out burger place (so good and very healthy)
    5. Whataburger
    6. Burger king

And that's all.Yum I'm getting hungry just typing this down :)...*stomach growl*...Dang it!(leaves and gets strawberries) okay I'm

So there's my thoughts today.Also one more word of advice in the form of one of my favorite quotes.
It's been fun and have a lovely day:)
Elena the vampire

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Follow my blog with Bloglovin

follow my new bloging place on blogloving

youtubers and advice

hi this is my first blog. i don't have anything exciting happening today so i thought i would recomend some youtubers to see. these are some of my favorites.

1. zoella
2. pointlesblog
3. tyler oakley
4. sprinkle of glitter
5. thatcherjoe
6. joeygraceffa
7. catrific
8. lisbug
9. michelle phan
10. ijustine

these are great amazing and funny youtubers, please go and if you like them subscribe. no the numbers arent by favorite i like them all equally and they all seem nice.

please enter quesions if you need advice or just want answer to something. i will try to answer them. hopefully something exciting and fun will happen so i can tell you. farewell until next time
                                                                ~elena the vampire